What Wants Me Dead

The last time I wanted to kill myself, I was sure I would. I still am. I still am sure that I would kill myself, the moment I want to enough. There will come a moment where the competing noises clamouring for center stage, an open mic event free of registration, where the one who…

How to Spell CONSENT

I think a lesson we forget to teach our younger generations is one we don't inherently believe in. "Your body and mind is yours and yours alone." How hard is this simple principle to understand? Generations of social conditioning worth of hard. We have always been told, that our mind was one to be molded,…


I am a ship, a ghost ship. I am empty, my anchor rusted, I float aimlessly, from sea to sea. I have seen every ocean, but I haven't seen any shore. I feel hollow, but my creaking iron is all I have to accompany my tiresome destination-less journey. But then I meet an island, an…

Your Faith in Me

I've scratched my heart and raped my soul, the damp hollowness has taken its toll, I don't think I can be again, one part of a bigger whole. I've dreamed of death and feared all fear, I've pushed them far and held them near, down my throat goes the blade, as I swallow salty distressed…

Everything is Fine

It all seems perfect until you want to kill yourself. It's all peachy, rainbows, unicorns and puppies, until the facade collapses, until your faults eclipse anything else that may redeem you. When you want it to be perfect and the imperfections are too many, too many to count, too many to take. When you get…

To You

Dear friend who is a bit more, let us just be.... stupid. Let us walk into darkness and light without thinking so much. Let us not burden our tiny heads with knowledge, information, intelligence. When we think, you and I, we have a tsunami of different feelings a thousand waves in a thousand directions, so…

A Picture

Paint me a picture. That is all I ask anyone who wants me to fall for them. Paint me a picture. I know it is a strange request, but stay with me, and I'll explain. I want you to pain me a picture I have never seen, not just me, but the world has never…

The Great Fail

It is a slow climb completed in moments in leaps and bounds up the hill, then comes the fall, crashing down, and in a moment, all is still. Grim realisations resonate, repeating, recurring relentlessly. Escape is a far fetched fantasy, blame corrodes me shamelessly. Every verse that leaves my mind I hope to god this…


Let the bugles play loud, the warriors are in town to fight for a land they call their own which is a desolate dystopian dump and those who try to make it better, the patriots, are told to leave the man made borders. Whose imaginary friends are better, shall decide life and death, because if…